Ok, ok, you have me convinced. I do not want to go with the black hat strategies. But what would be considered black hat? How can I avoid it? Just hold on a second. I’m getting there. Didn’t I tell you I was lazy. The rest of the article is focused on the things not to do. By the time I am done, you will know what not to do to your website to not get it banned. There are 2 ways of spamming. On-page and off-page. Sounds familiar? Same factors to help you rank well are the same that can get you penalized or banned. Let’s start with our own backyard. Your thinking…Yea, yea I know “As momma always told you.” Yep. See your getting it!
Like I said there are much geekier aspects of on-page optimization which includes things like which type of site structures to use, frames, types of scripts etc. However, with the advancement of template driven and WYSIWYG* sites, many of these aspects are already pre-coded for optimization or ease of readability for those Search Engines out there doing their creeping and crawling thing…also known as indexing.
Most bloggers think that quality matters for higher ranking in search engine, Pinterest due to this wrong thought they’re not focusing on quality content. Due to low quality content, their blog’s readers get irritated/upset.
SEO news 02. Combination of Internal Links: The best-valued and easiest plan for SEO is combination of internal links to the website. Make sure that all the links you have created are appropriate and working as they should be. In addition, you have to use the anchor text very responsive to Search Engines.
Some more SEO tips also include having video on your website. One day written content will not be king. That crown will go to video. As video increases on the web your best SEO training will be to have your website include some type of video just to keep you on the first page. Google will be testing a bunch of universal search variables to tell just how engaging your website is so having both text and video will serve you plenty in the coming years. I know there are a lot of people who don’t use videos on their website and they offer lots of useful information. To me that is more important than a website with flashy videos and useless content. We will see what Google has to say about that in the future.
Don’t forget to update content often. Search engine spiders return to your site whenever you post new content. This improves your visibility. Taking the time to create a content plan for your site will help you keep track of what kind of content you need and when you need it.
Most SEO experts don’t have a proper strategy in place to secure your rankings. What’s amazing is that the client feels SEO is not something they will understand, and don’t feel they need too. This means your SEO tactics could be shooting darts in the dark hoping to hit the bull’s eye. Are you aware of the SEO strategies being used on your website and do you understand them?
Pretend Gurus and Consultants learn a few tricks and sell their wares unscrupulously all over the web for cheap leaving you with a crappy e-book and no results.